The workhorse synth

Komplete Kontrol or Maschine: Zebra2 and ZebraHZ are Native Instruments NKS-ready and compatible with Maschine and Komplete Kontrol hardware. NKS Preview files for Zebra2 and ZebraHZ are included in their installers as an optional component.
Current Zebra2 owners can already use Zebra Legacy and all its content free of charge with their existing license, no additional purchase necessary. For information regarding Zebra3 upgrade paths etc., please see the related news article.
Zebra Legacy: Zebra goes wild!
Our workhorse synthesizer Zebra2 has always been a firm favourite in sound design circles, especially in Hollywood. Many new features have been added over the years, with recent versions including native support for Apple Silicon and VST3. This latest round doesn't add any new features, however, but actually offers a whole lot more...
- Zebra2
- Included Soundsets
Zebra2 in the spotlight…
Hover over the dots
to learn about Zebra2's features

- NEW in v2.9: All 500+ factory presets have been refurbished and improved with X/Y assignments. They are fully tagged and NKS-ready
- 4 powerful wavetable oscillators (16 waves) with integrated spectral effects
- 1, 2, 4, or 11 times unison, with detune and stereo spread
- Polyphonic (up to 16 voices), duophonic or mono and legato modes
- 4 assignable X/Y pads
- 4 FM oscillators with 8 alternative waveforms (not only sine)
- 4 regular filters with 23 different modes
- 4 cross-modulation filters (XMF)
- 12-slot modulation matrix with depth modulation from a second source
- Flexible signal routing: 4×12 main patching grid, 3×6 effects patching grid
- 4 syncable multi-stage envelope generators (MSEG) with up to 32 segments each
- 4 per-voice LFOs plus 2 global LFOs
- 21 stereo effects: 2× chorus/flanger, 2× delay, 2× EQ, 2× compressor, 2× reverb and more
- Resizable UI from 50% to 200%
- MIDI learn page and editable list
- NEW in v2.9.3: Support for Oddsound MTS-ESP
Zebra Legacy in the spotlight…
Hover over the dots
for details

- Includes all our commercial Zebra2 soundsets for free
- Includes "Zebra Oldies", a selection of 400 presets from the original factory set
- Includes Hans Zimmer's expanded version, ZebraHZ/The Dark Zebra
- ZebraHZ Feature Highlights:
- 8 extra filters based on Diva models
- 4 comb filter modules instead of 2
- 8 MSEGs instead of 4
- 24 modulation matrix slots instead of 12
- X/Y pads also appear as regular modulation sources
- 4 polyphonic compressors, one for each lane of the main grid
- 3 resonators with additional full-range band
Sights and sounds
- Demo Tracks
- Screenshots
I Am Zebra
An amazing composition by Mike Leghorn. 100% Zebra, plus Uhbik-A for reverb effects.The Concept of Eternity
A club piece courtesy of Sonic Element
Berlin Sequence
A Berlin School track by Urs Heckmann himself. 100% Zebra, no external processing.Zebra Planet
A cinematic demo by NedFX
Ambient Demo
A chill-out piece by Tanzpartner. All Zebra.DY7 + Crimson Flutes
A short demonstration of two realistic presets, by Howard Scarr. All Zebra, no post-processing.Flashlight
This is an epic score by Arthur Hendriks
Ambient piece by Stephan Baer
Endless Hours
Energetic trance / club track from Sonic Element
Zebra is our wireless modular synthesizer. It combines many different types of synthesis with a powerful modulation engine. Imagine —you can create any additive, freehand or spline-based waveform you like, apply a vast selection of spectral effects, morph between those waves and send them through classic synth filters. Perhaps use that entire sound as modulator for an FM oscillator, or route it through a comb filter —the building block of physical modeling synthesis. All generator modules, all signal paths, all effects are stereo.
Although the possibilities are practically infinite, you will never be overwhelmed by needless complexity —Zebra’s adaptive interface only shows the modules you are actually using. It is a fascinating playground for sound designers. That is what Zebra is all about, that is why it has become so popular. That is why thousands of free presets are available online.
Zebra perks:
- the unique patching system is a bliss to work with, complexity never gets in your way
- it is renowned for crystal-clear quality… which can turn dark & dirty if you want
- no static samples here—pure synthesis delivers more expressive & natural sounds
- heavily featured in blockbusters The Dark Knight, Inception, Transformers, Tron:Legacy…
- the editor window is resizable, and there are some nice alternative skins available
- it has an independent charm, with a vibrant community of helpful users in the KVR forum
- the clever design and adaptive UI keep everything you need on a single page
Zebra2 is a wireless modular synthesizer designed for flexibility, ergonomy and low CPU hit. Its Modules only appear while they are in use: Add an oscillator to the patching grid and it will appear on the left, use an LFO for anything and it will appear on the right.
After a little practice you will find programming Zebra2 very comfortable and lightning fast. Which in the end translates to… more fun!
Zebra’s modules are divided into Generators and Modulators, and include freely assignable controls that directly modulate important parameters.

Generators and Modulators in Zebra2's UI
- Generators
- Modulators
- Noise
- Comb
- Sideband
- Shape
- Distortion
- Fold
- Mix

OSC Module
To state that the Zebra2 oscillators are ‘highly flexible’ would be a huge understatement. They are so powerful that the Zebra2 package includes an extra instrument called Zebralette, which consists of just one oscillator transplanted into a much simpler synth framework.
The OSC module includes such features as stacking (dual, quad or eleven) oscillators, pulse width modulation, hard sync, phase controls, and a powerful OSC FX section with a choice of 2x24 different spectral effects.

FMO Module
Frequency Modulation Oscillator
Apart from the main OSC module, Zebra2 also includes a FMO type for FM synthesis.
The Frequency Modulation Oscillator module is closely related to the famous Yamaha DX7. It includes most of the features of the OSC module, plus different input modes to digitally shape the sound, and a ring modulation option.

Noise Module
Noise has traditionally been used for percussive sounds, wind effects, explosions, and similar…
The Noise module features four different flavours: White, Pink, Digital, and Crackles - which produces sounds simlar to a Geiger counter or worn-out vinyl. The module also features both LP and HP filters, and a Width control.

2 VCF Modules
Voltage Controlled Filter
The VCF modules are Zebra's CPU-friendly filters. Although there are no high voltages in this synthesizer, most of Zebra’s VCF types are still almost as alive as their analogue forebears.
The Voltage Controlled Filter features 23 filter types starting from lowpass, bandpass and highpass filters, to parametric EQ models, sample-rate reduction, or even 2 different phasing modules.

XMF Module
Cross-Modulation Filter
The Cross-Modulation Filter module is an extremely flexible multimode filter featuring self-oscillation, input-dependent distortion and audio-rate FM via the extra input.
It features 15 filter types, and altough the module is more CPU-intensive than the VCF one, it's more flexible - it allows the combination of two filter types in stereo with differential cutoff. It also includes controls such as Over, and Click, both useful to push the filter to its limits.

Comb Module
Comb Filter
Comb filters are based on ultra-short delay lines with a feedback pathway. Even if the input is a very short impulse, the feedback loop can turn this into a slowly decaying tone. The frequency response curve resembles a regular row of spikes, hence the name.
The Comb module features 8 different modes, an internal impulse generator with 3 different waveforms to choose from, Detune, Vibrato, Distort controls, and more… Ideal for the creation of envelope-driven polyphonic flangers, realistic plucked and bowed strings, flutes, mallet, and other percussion instruments.

2 SB Modules
The Sideband module is a stereo frequency shifter, the origins of which go back to the early days of radio. Related to ring modulation in which two signals are multiplied, resulting in two sidebands.
It features 3 different range options to pick from: 10Hz, 200Hz or 4kHz.

2 Shape Modules
An input level dependent distortion unit with a choice of different algorithms.
There are two Shaper modules available in Zebra2, featuring 4 different types of distortion: Shape (for the classic waveshaper effect), T-Drive (frequency dependent waveshaping), Crush (a bit-reducer), and Wedge - a waveshaper with foldback function.

Dist Module
The Distortion module creates traditional analogue-type saturation.
There are 6 different types of distortion to choose from: from tube distortion, to clipping, rectification, or foldback. It also features 2 different post filter modes. If used in the Zebra2 FX Grid, it can mimic a complete guitar amplifier and speaker cabinet.

Fold Module
A Wavefolder is a special kind of waveshaper which maps the input signal onto a sine, folding it back on itself multiple times. Like hardware wavefolders, Zebra2’s Fold sounds best when applied to signals with very little high frequency content.
The Ripples control represents the number of cycles. Folds is the perecentage of Ripples used, and Bias shifts the used section to the left or right. The Live View button enables realtime animation of any modulation.

2 Mix Modules
The Mix module can mix two signals. It can be used for cross-fading, or for reducing stereo width.
It features 5 pan modes and a modulation control.

ENV Module
Although it looks like a regular ADSR with just a few extras, the Envelope module also has a few tricks up its sleeve: It is syncable, loopable, and offers 2-stage attack and release…
It features 6 time bases and 3 curve modes, plus fall and rise time, and also velocity and key scale controls.

LFO Module
Low Frequency Oscillator
Alongside envelopes, Low Frequency Oscillators represent THE classic modulators – for vibrato or any cyclic movement.
Zebra2 includes LFO and LFOG modules. This one is instantiated per voice, which means every note played gets its own LFO.
There are 8 different waveforms to choose from, or a custom waveform (User mode). All classic LFO controls are there, such as Sync or Restart. It also includes a Slew option for instantaneous or smooth transitions.

LFOG Module
Global Low Frequency Oscillator
The Global Low Frequency Oscillator is simpler than the normal LFO, as the assignable knobs and the delay are missing. However, the main difference is that this one does not retrigger per voice.
All other features are the same, including the choice of waveforms.

MMAP Module
Modulation Mapper
Zebra’s Modulation Mapper is a general purpose table of 128 individual values.
With its 4 different modes and extensive selection / drawing tools, the MMAP module can be used for countless different tasks.

MIX Module
Modulation Mixer
Zebra’s Modulation Mixer processes up to 3 modulation sources in different ways.
You can sum modulations, scale the sum by a constant, or use one of the inputs to crossfade between the other two.
Mix and Match

Zebra2's Grid
The Grid
The center of the synthesis window is a Grid consisting of four vertical lanes.
This area is used for connecting generators together, whereby the signal flow is top to bottom.
Any module can route signals between lanes.
Add modules, drag them around, and change the routing – it's a playground!
The Mixer
Below the main grid is a 4-channel Mixer.
This is where you adjust pans and volumes, select envelopes,
and the routing to the FX grid for each lane.
There are 3 different routing options for the FX bus. You can also select which envelope to use for each specific lane, and specify modulation for the pan and volume parameters.

Zebra2's' Mixer
Lower Pane
The Lower Pane is where you will find Zebra2's global settings and many other features: effects, in-depth controls for oscillators, MSEGs, performance control settings, arpeggiator / sequencer, and the modulation matrix.

Zebra2's Lower Pane (Global and FX settings)
The global settings include controls for the main synthesizer's pitch, glide, and voices. A Swing generator and microtuning options are also available.
Next to the global settings is the Effects section. Zebra2 includes Chorus / Phaser, a flexible multi-mode Delay, two different Reverb units, Compressor, and Equalizer. It's also possible to use certain generators as effects, such as Shape, VCF, Dist…
Zebra lets you modulate practically all effect parameters (e.g. reverb size or delay feedback).
In-Depth Editors

Zebra's Wave Editor
Wave Editor
The Wave Editor is where you create your own oscillator waveforms.

Zebra's MSEG Editor
MSEG Editor
The Multi Stage Envelope Generator is a complex modulation source offering total shape control as well as continuous rate control.

Zebra's MMAP Editor
MMAP Editor
This is the expanded editor for the MMAP modulator.
Arpeggiate and Sequence
Zebra2 features a fully-fledged arpeggiator and sequencer. Up to 16 steps, with various loop and order options. It also includes two extra values per step, which can be used to modulate any parameter in step with the arpeggiator.

Zebra2's Arpeggiator
Modulation Matrix
All generators in Zebra2 include assignable knobs, but the plug-in also features a Modulation Matrix. This is where you set up any kind of (control rate) modulation. There are 12 modulation slots, allowing many possibilities.

Zebra2's Modulation Matrix

Zebra's Perform Panel
Up for a live performance? Zebra’s Perform panel includes four X/Y pads which can control up to 16 parameters each, all at the same time.
Alternative skin

Zebra's DarkEight Skin
With the release of update 2.8, Zebra2 got a new user interface. Apart from the new standard DotEight skin, the plug-in includes an alternative, darker one called DarkEight.

December 2012
2012 - Top 10 SynthsComputer Music

December 2006
2006 - Editor's ChoiceComputer Music

December 2006
2006 - Performance AwardComputer Music

December 2013
2013 - Best InstrumentKVR

December 2007
2007 - Keybuy AwardKeyboard Mag

December 2008
2008 - Editors ChoiceElectronic Musician

December 2007
2007 - Editor's ChoiceHitsquad

October 2007
2007 - Editor's ChoiceBeat

October 2011
2011 - Best SoftsynthMIPA
“Zebra 2 is a joy to behold. If you're into soft synths, you owe it to yourself to check it out.”
November 2007

“Zebra2 sounds like no other; it has a fullness, a richness in detail no other instrument possesses.…”
December 2015

Honorable Mention - Best Synth Plug-in: “The Plug-In That Changed My Life”
December 2013
“It's obvious that a ton of work has been put into designing this synthesizer…”
July 2014
- Resizable GUI from 70% to 200%
- MIDI learn page and editable list
- Global preferences page
Four X/Y pads which can control up to 16 parameters each.

- 4 powerful wavetable (16) oscillators with integrated spectral effects
- 1, 2, 4 or 11 times unison, with detune and stereo spread.
- 4 cross-modulation filters (XMF)
- 4 regular filters (VCF) with 23 different modes
Flexible signal routing: 4×12 voice patching grid, 3×6 effects patching grid
4 syncable multi-stage envelope generators (MSEG) with up to 32 segments each

21 stereo effects: 2× chorus/flanger, 2×, delay, 2× EQ, 2× compressor, 2× reverb and more
4 per-voice LFOs plus 2 global LFOs
4 expanded ADSR envelopes with extra sustain, loop or release options
Waveform editor
Craft your own waveforms, morph between them, and more…

Zebra Science
242 presets by Howard Scarr (Howie's first soundset for Zebra2, now with complete XY control)
8 Diva-style filter models:
4 lowpass/multimode and 4 highpass
Resonators: fully modulatable 3-band peaking filters with an extra full range band to dramatically colorize your sound

Download the demo and enter your serial number to unlock the full version. The demo version emits crackling sound at irregular intervals.
Zebra Legacy 2.9.4 (revision 16765)
Released November 11, 2024
Release notes
* About Linux: Before purchasing, please be aware the Linux versions of our plug-ins are still considered beta. While the plug-ins are stable, we are not able to provide the same level of support for these products as we do for the macOS and Windows versions. Support is provided via the Linux and u-he communities on our forum .
Mac OS X 10.10 or newer
Windows 7 or newer
- Host software / DAW
- 1GB RAM, more recommended
- 1000 × 600 or larger display
- 290-830 MB free disk space
- Modern CPU required:
Windows/Linux: Intel Nehalem or newer, AMD Bulldozer or newer
Mac: Intel Nehalem or newer, Apple silicon M1 or newer - Linux: glibc version 2.28 or newer
Zebra Legacy is not a standalone product, it requires host software. Zebra Legacy is compatible with nearly all DAWs.
* AAX requires Pro Tools 10.3.7 or later
This product is Native Instruments NKS-ready and compatible with Maschine and Komplete Kontrol hardware.
VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, registered in Europe and other countries.
User Guides

Downloads for Zebra Legacy
Try the latest builds of Zebra Legacy, which include improvements and bug fixes. Note: these are stable, but still beta versions.
Older Zebra Legacy installers are in our release archive (for legacy systems).