


Tim studied the dark arts of computer science, and originally refined his related skills grinding out development projects for business software. Craving a more homey environment, and work that was somewhat closer to his heart, he started looking far and wide for new challenges. In search of an industry that could combine his passion for music, tech and software, his path led him from southern Karlsruhe to the city of Berlin, where u-he checked all the boxes.

Since fall 2022, he has been assisting in software development, improving everything he can get his hands on, and making sure quality of life doesn’t get left in the dust. When he isn’t immersed in his caffeine fuelled coding sprees, Tim likes to exercise his passion for Drum and Bass, be it by producing, mixing or even organizing club nights.

Important records

  • Burial - Burial
  • Mosaik - Camo & Krooked
  • Resistance - Break
  • Desire Paths - Technimatic
  • Sub Focus - Sub Focus
  • Hold Your Color - Pendulum

Fun facts

  • More productive in the morning despite preferring nighttime
  • Likes to travel but hates sightseeing
  • Prefers his tech to be DIY. If it works without issues, where's the fun?
  • Likes his music dark and gritty rather than happy and uplifting
  • Likes passionately arguing about things he doesn't really even care about

